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Luces & Sombras en los Estudios de la Noche (Mexico)

To be held in the city of Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico on 26 and 27 October 2023.

Lights and Shadows in Night Studies is the second in a series of meetings on the subject, following the event “Encuentro de Estudios culturales: La noche y sus metáforas” held in Baja California in May this year.

For the Xalapa event, the coordination corresponds to the Centro de Estudios de la Cultura y la Comunicación of the Universidad Veracruzana. As co-organisers, we have the Department of Cultural Studies of El Colegio de la Frontera Norte and the Labor Center of the Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro.

The meeting will include two sessions of academic dialogue: La noche activada: trabajo nocturno y escenas musicales, and La noche imaginada, del Barroco al presente. The event will also include the art exhibition Meleagris Noctem. Divergences and inequalities in Tijuana, by Julio Becerra and Ángel Ramírez, to be held at the Casa del Lago UV.

The meeting will be a turning point in the studies of the night in the southwest region of Mexico and will enrich the dialogue around nocturnalities in current social contexts.

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Manuel Garcia-Ruiz (October 19, 2023). Luces & Sombras en los Estudios de la Noche (Mexico). International Night Studies Network. Retrieved September 16, 2024 from

Manuel Garcia-Ruiz

He is a PhD Scholar at CIES-Iscte and a Research Collaborator at IS-FLUP. He research on topics such as city branding, cultural regeneration, the commodification of arts and culture, art washing, and the construction of artistic fields.