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Vienna After Dark

The Vienna After Dark conference, held from November 14 to 16, 2024, in Vienna, Austria, brought together over 125 speakers from more than 15 countries to explore the multifaceted dimensions of club culture and nightlife. Organized by the Vienna Club Commission, the event featured more than 30 keynotes, panel discussions, workshops, networking meetings, and excursions through Vienna’s nightlife.

Night Science Sessions:

A significant highlight of the conference was the Night Science track, which delved into academic perspectives on nightlife. This segment aimed to bridge the gap between research and practice, fostering a deeper understanding of club culture’s social, cultural, and economic impacts.

Key Sessions Included:

  1. NIGHT(S)-Science: An Academic View on Nightlife
    • Date & Time: Thursday, November 14, 2024, 16:30–18:00
    • Description: This session provided an academic perspective on nightlife, featuring research presentations that explored various aspects of club culture and its societal implications.

    2. NIGHT(S)-Science: New Contributions on Nightlife

      • Date & Time: Friday, November 15, 2024, 10:30–12:00
      • Description: Following a call for abstracts, this session showcased new research projects aimed at enhancing the collective understanding of club culture and its multifaceted dimensions.

      Conference Impact:

      The Night Science sessions at Vienna After Dark provided a platform for academics and practitioners to exchange knowledge and insights, fostering a deeper understanding of the complexities of nightlife. By integrating research with practical experiences, these sessions contributed to the development of informed policies and practices aimed at enhancing the vibrancy and safety of nightlife environments.

      For more information on the conference and its sessions, visit the official Vienna After Dark website.

      OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
      Manuel Garcia-Ruiz (November 18, 2024). Vienna After Dark. International Night Studies Network. Retrieved February 13, 2025 from

      Manuel Garcia-Ruiz

      He is a PhD Scholar at CIES-Iscte and a Research Collaborator at IS-FLUP. He research on topics such as city branding, cultural regeneration, the commodification of arts and culture, art washing, and the construction of artistic fields.