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Exploring the Nocturnal Realities of North America: A Panel at the Third Biennial Congress on North American Studies

From February 17 to 21, 2025, the Third Biennial Congress on North American Studies: Shared Future? will take place at the Torre II de Humanidades, Ciudad Universitaria, UNAM, Mexico City. This major event, organized by CISAN-UNAM and the North American Studies Network, will explore pressing issues shaping the region’s sociocultural, economic, and political landscapes.

One of the standout sessions, Panel 14: Night Studies in North America, will offer an interdisciplinary discussion on how nighttime economies, urban transformations, and cultural practices are shaping nocturnal life in the region. The session will take place on Wednesday, February 19, at 10:00 AM in the CISAN Boardroom (10th floor).

Themes and Presentations

This panel brings together scholars exploring the intersection of nighttime economies, urban transformations, and nocturnal social dynamics. The presentations include:

🔹 Patterns of Growth and Decline of the Night Economy in the US-Mexico BorderAlejandro Mercado-Celis (CISAN, UNAM)
A deep dive into the evolution of nightlife economies along the US-Mexico border, analyzing shifts in economic activities and their broader implications.

🔹 Las Vegas Lux-Hub: Nocturnal Assemblage in the Production of a Postmodern Cultural MetropolisPaola M. Canizalez-Ramírez (UAdeO) & Ana Alejandra Ibarra Ruelas (UPES)
An investigation into the role of nighttime experiences in constructing Las Vegas as a global hub of entertainment and luxury.

🔹 Continuities and Ruptures in Latinx Border Culture: A Perspective from Nocturnal Festive Leisure RepertoiresYolanda Macías (UAM-C)
A cultural analysis of nightlife and festivity in Latinx communities at the border, highlighting changing patterns and enduring traditions.

🔹 Narratives of Security and Public Space in Nocturnal Temporalities: The Case of Safe Nighttime Paths in Mexico CityEdna Hernández González (UBO) & Karen Sánchez Rodríguez (UAM-A)
A critical examination of safety strategies and their impact on nighttime mobility in urban spaces, particularly in Mexico City.

The session will be moderated by Alejandra Trejo Poo (UAM-A).

For more information, visit the official event website:

Don’t miss this fascinating discussion on the evolving nocturnal landscapes of North America!

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Manuel Garcia-Ruiz (February 1, 2025). Exploring the Nocturnal Realities of North America: A Panel at the Third Biennial Congress on North American Studies. International Night Studies Network. Retrieved February 13, 2025 from

Manuel Garcia-Ruiz

He is a PhD Scholar at CIES-Iscte and a Research Collaborator at IS-FLUP. He research on topics such as city branding, cultural regeneration, the commodification of arts and culture, art washing, and the construction of artistic fields.