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Seminario de investigación « Estudios sobre la noche/Night Studies/Etudes sur la nuit » (28 de octubre 2020)

Cooperación entre el CISAN-UNAM (México), el Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Montreal, McGill (Canada), el Institut de Géoarchitecture y el IDA-Brest (Francia). Coordinado por Edna Hernández González, Alejandro Mercado Celis, Will Straw, Jhessica Reia, Yolanda Macías y Michaël Spanu.


Manuel García Ruíz (Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia, Lisboa), “Lights on Romania: impacts of a light art circuit”

Abstract: In the last twenty years the development of festivals of light seems to have been institutionalized, being able to find them in all municipalities, regardless the region we have in scope. The adoption of this format responds to different public policies, the most common is culture promotion, or seasonality reactivation. However, many of these activities are not initiated by local authorities, but by associations, individuals, or companies, whose motivations and agendas differ, a priori, from those of promoting the municipality. In fact, we can find events that are organized with the intention of educating the City Council, endorse creativity and promote creative economies as new formulas for urban regeneration. In this direction we find Lights on Romania, an independent festival of light that aims to boost local talent, while promoting night economies. LOR began with the suspicion of the local power, but demonstrated its great impact, renewing new editions and being today one of the best considered events in Transylvania. In this work I will present the result of an ethnographic fieldwork carried out in Cluj Napoca in 2017-2018, contextualizing the festival’s emergence, its objectives and its impact. 

Chiara Vitrano (Swedish Knowledge Centre for Public Transport at Malmö University), «Time-related accessibility inequalities and the urban night»

Abstract: In the contemporary polyrhythmic city, social actors are asked for more resources to access urban opportunities. The ability to be mobile and to access jobs and services in the city is hampered by the need to perform less predictable and multidirectional transfers within the twenty-four hours. Transport-related disadvantage increases the risk of social exclusion and affects especially certain groups of actors, shrinking their action space. In particular, the process of “colonization of time” (Melbin, 1977), i.e. the extension of work and leisure to night hours, can lead to time-related transport inequalities if the inadequacy of the public transport supply doesn’t meet the night-workers and users access needs. Hence, accessibility to night-work by public transport emerges as a crucial goal for mobility and urban time policies aimed at tackling social inequalities. The presentation shows some results from a secondary analysis about night-work in Italy and proposes a tool to analyse the gaps in night-time accessibility by public transport based on the available spatio-temporal data. The tool allows visualizing simultaneously the distribution and the opening hours of night activities, the spatiotemporal supply of public transport, and their variation during the night. An analysis conducted in Milan shows the gaps between the public transport supply and the potential demand: despite the growth of 24/7 services, accessibility levels show a major decrease in the night, especially during weekdays, therefore creating a potential time-related transport disadvantage for those working at night.

Transmisión en Zoom y YouTube (canal del CISAN)


9:30AM (CDMX); 11:30AM (Montreal); 4:30PM (Francia)

El horario de Montreal es 11:30AM y no 10:30AM como aparece en el cartel (esto se debe al cambio de horario de invierno en México y Francia)


OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Michael Spanu (October 28, 2020). Seminario de investigación « Estudios sobre la noche/Night Studies/Etudes sur la nuit » (28 de octubre 2020). International Night Studies Network. Retrieved February 13, 2025 from

Michael Spanu

Michaël Spanu holds a PhD in sociology (Université de Lorraine, 2017) and is currently a Marie Curie postdoctoral fellow at the University of Manchester (2022-2024). He is a former postdoctoral fellow at CISAN-UNAM.