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Seminario de investigación « Estudios sobre la noche/Night Studies/Etudes sur la nuit » (25 de marzo 2021)


Sara Brandellero (Leiden University), «Migrant Narratives of the Night: moorings, memories and belonging»

Abstract: This paper will provide insights into some of the findings of a study of night spaces connected to the Cape Verdean migrant community in the Netherlands, and into a selection of narratives that emerge from them. The research is part of a larger, transdisciplinary collaborative project that focuses on nighttime spaces in eight European cities entitled Night Spaces: migration, culture and integration in Europe (NITE). In the context of the Netherlands, this research directs a particular focus onto ’night spaces’ – understood as culturally mediated and socially produced (Williams, 2008) – in Rotterdam, Europe’s largest port and a place that is deeply embedded into the global history of Cape Verdean migration. Looking beyond traditional negative connotations ascribed to nocturnal spaces and goings on, this talk will consider them as important spatial-temporal moorings (Urry, Sheller, Hannam 2006) and sites of memory, crisis and regeneration. The paper will home in on filmic representations of the urban night by Dutch-Cape Verdean filmmakers Ivan Barbosa and Edson da Conceição to reflect on how the night opens up new spaces of belonging and intercultural understanding.

Marcos Góis (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro), «Nightlife and public spaces in Rio de Janeiro: public sociability, urban violence and nighttime mobility»

Abstract: Public sociability is an important aspect of nightlife in the city of Rio de Janeiro. For its existence it is essential to maintain places for its exhibition. Such places are public spaces, which have been under the threat of some dilemmas faced by the city. It is particularly relevant to consider the weight of factors such as actions to control behavior and restrict the presence, access and circulation of the population. To a large extent this is seen in the intensification of violent confrontations and the unequal supply of services in the city. In addition, we can also include inequalities related to the urban mobility of the population, which increased at night. In this panel we would like to present the results of about ten years of research on the nightlife of the city of Rio de Janeiro. In particular, we would like to show some considerations about the motivations and restrictions to this nightlife in public spaces in the city. The subject is organized around three topics: public sociability, urban violence and nighttime mobility.

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Manuel Garcia-Ruiz (March 25, 2021). Seminario de investigación « Estudios sobre la noche/Night Studies/Etudes sur la nuit » (25 de marzo 2021). International Night Studies Network. Retrieved February 13, 2025 from

Manuel Garcia-Ruiz

He is a PhD Scholar at CIES-Iscte and a Research Collaborator at IS-FLUP. He research on topics such as city branding, cultural regeneration, the commodification of arts and culture, art washing, and the construction of artistic fields.