Une nuit où il fait bon vivre ?
Halles 1&2 Jeudi 18 Avril 2024 17h (France) Qui dit nuit, dit souvent « noir », du moins une ambiance, notamment lumineuse, propre à la vie nocturne. Dans un contexte de sobriété énergétique et...
Halles 1&2 Jeudi 18 Avril 2024 17h (France) Qui dit nuit, dit souvent « noir », du moins une ambiance, notamment lumineuse, propre à la vie nocturne. Dans un contexte de sobriété énergétique et...
Mexico City, Mexico – The Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) and the Center for Research on North America (CISAN), in collaboration with the Institut de Géoarchitecture (UBo), France, the Institut des Amériques (Brest),...
Sciences Po, Salle du Conseil, 13 Rue de l’Université & Zoom 04.04.2024, 5:00PM-7:00PM CET Compulsory Registration Shaping the night: How data illuminates the human experience after dark We are witnessing a new era in urban...
GeoNight is an initiative proposed for the first time by the CNFG (French National Geographical Committee) on a national scale in 2017. From 2018, the initiative expanded internationally, first in Europe, thanks to EUGEO,...
The International Night Studies Network, in collaboration with Universitá IUAV di Venezia, University of Technology Sydney, and Institute for Public Policy and Governance, advertises this Public lecture and panel discussion about cities and nightlife,...
To be held in the city of Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico on 26 and 27 October 2023. Lights and Shadows in Night Studies is the second in a series of meetings on the subject, following...
El Colegio de la Frontera Norte a través del Departamento de Estudios Culturales, en colaboración con la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (UABC), el Instituto de Investigaciones Culturales (IIC MUSEO) de la UABC, el...
International Symposium (FR, EN) Montreal, May 19, 2023. Free admission, public welcome
Living at night in times of pandemic Vendredi 30 septembre 09:30-21:00 La Gaîté Lyrique Musiques & futurs alternatifs3bis rue Papin75003 Paris Night studies: Conférence franco-allemande sur la vie nocturne et la culture club en...
Urban space is used by different groups of city-users during a day: workers, students, entrepreneurs, tourists… one of the challenges for cities is for these groups to coexist considering their different needs, especially when...