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Tagged: Night Workers

Nocturnal cities: past, present, and future

Special issue #43 of Forum Sociologico Guest Editors:Manuel Garcia-Ruiz, PhD, CIES/Iscte, Portugal.Jordi Nofre, PhD, CICS.NOVA/NOVA FCSH, Portugal.Alejandro Mercado Celis, PhD, CISAN/UNAM, Mexico. Publisher:CICS.NOVA – Centro Interdisciplinar de Ciências Sociais, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais eHumanas, Universidade...

Geographies of the night

35th International Geographical Congress – Dublin 2024 Dr. Katie YoungConcordia University, Montreal, Canada Session Abstract Night studies is an emerging interdisciplinary field with strong links to geography. Geographers haveexplored spatial experiences of the night, ranging from...


Secchiate is the first Italian newsletter dedicated to the night. Our aim is to rewrite the way in which night and nightlife are approached in our country, where there is very little public debate,...


Edited by Jordi Nofre & Manuel Garcia-Ruiz PRESENTATION Since the 1990s, the growing interaction between tourism and nightlife has characterized the urban transformation of cities in the Global North, South and East. Different tourism...

Call for Papers – Special Issue : NOCTURNAL CITIES : PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE

Guest Editors Jordi NofreFCT Associate Research Professor in Urban GeographyLXNIGHTS Research Group | CoordinatorCentro Interdisciplinar de Ciências SociasFaculdade de Ciências Sociais e HumanasUniversidade Nova de LisboaORCID : Manuel Garcia-RuizResearcher in SociologyInternational Night Studies Network |...